Industrial wire mesh can be prepared in the numerous thousands of combinations of size and shape of opening, wire diameter, and weave type and metal. This article includes the woven wire mesh for industrial applications including the separation of materials. It is intended to produce standard terms and definitions to note the ordinary range of woven specifications and to establish tolerances and needs. This specification eliminates sieve cloth from its scope as it comes under the specification E11. If a user has particular requirement of industrial hastelloy wire mesh that doesn’t come under this specification, it is preferred that the wire cloth supplier should be contacted.
Scope: This article includes commercial woven wire fabric, preferred as wire mesh, for general use including the separation of particles. Wire cloth can be produced from any basic metal or metal alloy wire that is fit for weaving. This article doesn’t apply to the following special kinds of wire cloth: filter cloth or dutch weave, cylinder cloth, galvanized hardware cloth, insect wire screening, spiral weave wire cloth, testing sieve cloth or welded wire mesh.
Specification Standards
ASTM Standards
A 510: specification for general needs for wire rods, coarse round wire and carbon steel.
A 555/A 555M: specification for general needs of stainless steel wire and wire rods
E 11: specification for wire mesh and sieves for testing.
Aperture : The dimensions specifying opening in a screening surface
Boiling cloth – A particular group of commonly used mesh and wire diameter combinations. These are included in this article.
Coatings: The wire used for weaving wire mesh may be coated, plated or finished in other manner before weaving, wire mesh can be specifically coated after weaving. Applicability of specification should be discussed with the supplier. The feasible coatings are metallic plated like copper, nickel, tin and painted, epoxy coated or galvanized steel wire mesh that is coated with zinc prior or after weaving.
Kinds of Crimped wiremesh
Crimp, n: The corrugation in the warp or shute wire or both. The crimp is formed while the weaving process or with a crimping machine before weaving. If produced while the weaving operation, the tension between the warp and shute wires basically determine the particular extent or depth of crimp that binds the wires in position and in part setting the strength of the wire mesh.
Double Crimp, adj: Wire mesh woven with an approximate identical corrugation in both the warp and shute wires to bind the wires in position.
Flat top, adj: Wire mesh possessing deep crimps as in bind crimp, excluding that entire crimps are in the beneath side of the mesh providing the top layer completely in one plane. It provides a plane top.
Intermediate Crimp, adj: Precrimped wire mesh with additional crimps, corrugations between the points or intersections, called intercrimp or multiple crimp. The warp or shute wires or both can be moderately crimped.
Lock Crimp: Precrimped wire mesh with deep crimps at the intersection points to bind the wires in a safe manner in a position.
Precrimp : Wire mesh woven with both warp and shute wires crimped prior weaving.
Triple, shute: Wire mesh woven with three shute wires inserted next to each other, generally made in conformance with precrimp rectangular.
Market grade: A particular group of popularly used mesh and wire diameter combinations. These are included in this specification.
Mesh: The count of wires or openings per linear inch, counted from mid of a wire to a point 1 inch distant, containing fractional distance among either thereof.
Mill grade: Specific group of widely used wire mesh and wire diameter combinations. These are included in this specification.
Percent Open Area: The ratio of area of openings to the complete area is presented as percentage. Theoretically percent open area is calculated as following:
OA= (1-MwDw)(1-MsDs) 100
Here OA = percent open area, Mw= the mesh warp, Ms = the mesh shute, Dw = diameter of warp wire, Ds = diameter of shute wire
Rectangular Mesh: Either precrimp or double crimp wire mesh possessing different counts of wires in the warp and shute, providing rectangular openings. The diameter of warp and shute wires may be equal or unequal.
Screen: A surface offered with apertures of equal size and shape.
Selvage: The edge or border of wiremesh finished to avoid extrication such as looped selvage included in finished edges, folded selvage, cut and tucked, welded, plastic bonding and bent back unlike raw or cut edge.
Shute Wires: The wires throughout the cloth as woven, moving the short way, also known as weft, shoot or fill wires.
Sieve Cloth: Wire Mesh described by width of opening on the base of approximately fourth root of double series. Sieve cloth is utilized generally to find the particle size unlikely the particle separation; this specification discards the sieve cloth from the scope as it is included in specification E 11.
Space Cloth: Wire cloth that is designated by width of open spaces between the internal faces of adjacent parallel wires, specified in inches or metric for the normal range of space mesh specifications.
Square Mesh: Wire mesh possessing the identical count of wires in warp and shute.