A filter element is the core of industrial filters. The complete filtration process is performed in the filter element. The filter elements and filter media utilized in the filter elements describe the key characteristics of filter for example holding capacity, contamination retention and pressure drop. Heanjia sintered mesh filter elements are used for the filtration of hydraulic fluids in the hydraulic system and for the filtration of lubricants, industrial fluids and gases.
Filter elements comprise of filter media that are laid around a perforated supporting tube. The mesh element is vertically sealed by a component adhesive. A perforated security cage is configured around the filter mat. Supporting tube and filter mat are attacked to both end discs. The protected cage permits a regular fluid flow around the filter mat and simultaneously offers mechanical security from external damage. Seal rings and profile seals are offered between the filter element and the filter housing as a sealing.
Using zinc free filter elements prevents early element blocking hence significantly increasing the service life of the elements. So the mesh elements can be used universally for hydraulic fluids an lubricants.
The objective of using industrial filters is not just the immediate protection of machine components even also obtain desired oil cleanliness. Oil cleanliness is specified as the oil purity classes that categorize the amount of particles of the existing impurity is spread in the application fluid.
Filter capacity
Holding capacity of hydraulic filters in correspondence to contamination in a hydraulic system is featured by the filtration quotient. This factor shows the key functionality of hydraulic filters. It is measured in the framework of the multipass test and is the average value of the specific initial and final differential pressure. The filtration quotient is specified as the quotient of the count of particles bigger than observed particle size before and after filtration.
Holding impurities
It is also evaluated by using the multipass test and specifies the level of test dust that is supplied to the filter medium to reach the maximum specific pressure level.
Pressure loss
The pressure loss of the filter element is the major factor to determine the filter size. The factors are specified values of the filter manufacturer or specifications of the filter user. This factor is based on various aspects such as filter medium ratings, shape and arrangement of filter element, filter area and application viscosity of fluids as well as flow.
While assessing the filter shape, an initial pressure loss is measured that should be less than new filter element.
Filter media
Considering the application and requirements, a wide variety of filter media in diverse filtration ratings are utilized for the particle separation.