permalloy for mesh for shielding and screening by Heanjia Super-Metals

Permalloy Mesh for Magnetic Shield

Key Features:

1. Complete prevention of electromagnetic and radio frequency interference 2. Protection from exposure to radiowaves 3. Wear resistant mesh Technical Data Mesh Specification Charts

Product Description:

Permalloy mesh is a great solution in providing shielding from the variable frequency electric and magnetic waves. The square woven mesh acts as an equivalent sheet impedance operator. Its effectiveness in the plane wave shielding prevents the coupling effect between antennas in either side of the planar mesh. The extent of shielding provided is based on the geometry of enclosure, mesh size and wire radius.

Permalloy Magnetic shielding mesh properties

  1. Shielding from EMI and RFI
  2. Shielding frequency range from 100MHz to 10GHz
  3. Damping 20dB by 99 %

Permalloy Magnetic Shielding Mesh Applications

Screening solutions for windows, clothes, screening tents, medical applications with damping about 50 dB.

Protective screening mesh is utilized for security against magnetic field in frequencies ranging from 100MHz to 10GHz. It is permeable to air, rot resistant and frost proof. It is also utilized for shielding against radiation from radio, TV, Microwave, Bluetooth and other similar sources.

The magnetic shielding mesh is also rolled and can be utilized to replace standard reinforcement mesh to save money. It is specifically manufactured for easy handling even by an amateur.

Magnetic characteristics

Saturation Flux Density, gausses Coercive Force, orested Residual Induction, gausses Maximum Permeability Permeability @ B = 100 Hysteresis Loss from Saturation, ergs/cm3/cycle
7,500 0.015 3,700 300,000


75,000 9

Physical properties

Density: 8.74 g/cm3, 0.316 lb/in3
Electrical Resistivity 58 microhm-cm or 349 ohm/cer mil-ft
Specific heat capacity 0.12 cal.g.oC
Thermal conductivity 0.047 cal/cm3/sec/oC   or 136 BTU/in/ft2/hr/oF
Thermal expansion coefficient 12.0 x 10-6 in/in/oC for -70 to +200 oC


Ni Mo Si Mn Fe
80% 4.4$ 0.3% 0.5% Rem

Mechanical characteristics (cold rolled)

Tensile Strength Yield Strength % Elongation in 2 Hardness
150 ksi 135 ksi 2 32Rc
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