Gas and Dust mesh filters

Heanjia’s hot gas filters are manufactured to meet the individual application condition requirements of your system. Our filters tolerate high temperatures and provide large throughput. Moreover, they offer very high back pulse efficiency without considerable product bleed through.

Heanjia filter products are constructed from wire mesh materials that are rigid and durable and woven into different styles. Each weaving style is selected for a certain engineering purpose such as filtration, flow drainage or strength.

Hot Gas Filtration

For gas applications, the elements are designed to be surface loading filters. In this system, the mesh layer is placed on the upstream side of the media in the direction of flow. Drainage and support mesh layers are situated below. This design offers a filter with nominal pressure drop making longer on-stream cycles. When particles contact the filter, they are kept on the surface of the filter media, not deep in the pores as occurred in the ceramic filters. Upon cleaning or back pulsing the elements, the accumulated particles release easily and the filter element regains its original state. Our durable mesh withstands back pulsing. It doesn’t tear hence avoiding catalyst or contaminant particles from bypassing downstream.

Hot gas is treated in conditions at temperatures about 900oC with excessive chlorine gases. The mesh filter tubes constructed from superalloys such as Inconel alloy offer metallurgical and mechanical characteristics to withstand the aggressive service conditions.

Characteristics and Advantages

  • Surface filter media
  • Durable structure
  • High porosity media
  • Prolong life and wear resistance
  • Higher chemical resistance
  • Smaller differential pressure
  • Longer cycle times
  • Elevated temperature tolerance
  • Larger back pulse or cleaning efficiency
  • Smaller operating cost
  • Larger production rates

Mesh dust collectors

Mesh dust collectors are utilized in the several industries. In few conditions, they are significant for pollution control however they can also be essential to process collecting products or catalysts. They ideally work within their temperature and design limits. The metallic fiber filter is developed that is used in these temperature limits, is resistant to abrasive wear and provides finer general filtration levels. It can be used with pulse jet and reverse air cleaning similar to a fabric bag.

The wire mesh is developed by complex structuring procedure using the extremely pure grade of stainless steel or Inconel rod. The fibers are produced in the discrete sizes from 2 – 50 microns diameters. The mesh is then treated as textile fibers. They are carded and laid in a nonwoven web. Every web comprises of a specific size fiber. The webs with individual size fibers are laid up together to custom produce a medium for an exact application.

Using the fabric bags, cleaning is done by pulse jet or reverse air, coming from the fabric flexing, stretching and opening up to emit the particles. With the metallic medium it doesn’t occur. While cleaning, the cake is lifted off the surface by air travelling through the ultra fine surface almost everywhere. It drops to the hopper in the same manner as with the fabric bags except the filter cake is less broken up hence cleaning is more efficient. The metallic filter does not move, wear is prevented and bag life is significantly large. The puffing or downstream release of particulate that each pulse of a fabric bag does not occur.

The surface layer is made of fine fibers hence it is highly efficient. Thin cross-section lowers the pressure drop and avoids blinding. The surface is rolled to a smoothness of 20 micro-inches to avoid sticking of the dust cake. The outcome is similar operation to a fabric bag with larger efficiency and greater flow capacity.

Woven nichrome wire mesh in the rope or compressed form is fit for elevated temperature applications whilst other materials are unable to withstand in operation. The woven mesh can be made in any size, shape and density to allow riveting or spot welding offering lowest assembly and fastening cost. It is commonly used in turbo and engine mounts, down-pipes, heat shields and others.

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